POA Management

Pawleys Plantation Property Owners Association is managed by Waccamaw Management, An Associa Company.  
Office hours are:    
Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Friday 7:30 am to 2:00 pm.
Closed daily for lunch from 12:00pm-12:30pm.
Debra Morris, Association Manager  (DebraM@waccamawmanagement.com)
Robin Owen, Association Specialist  (RobinO@waccamawmanagement.com)
Phone Numbers:      843-237-9551  or   800-537-0641
Waccamaw Management Location:   41 Maintenance Road, Pawleys Island
Click here to connect to Waccamaw Management website to pay your bill or access Town Square.  
Separate log-in credentials required.  (Click on Profile icon in the upper-right hand corner).
The POA requests that any concerns, inquiries, information or complaints MUST first be sent to Property Manager, Debra Morris at Waccamaw Management to be documented, resolved or added to the agenda for the following POA Board meeting.  If more information is needed regarding your concern/comment, you may be asked to join the meeting.